Ṇamō arihantāṇaṁ
I bow to the arihants, destroyers of their inner enemies.
Ṇamō siddhāṇaṁ
I bow to the siddhas, the liberated souls.
Ṇamō āyariyāṇaṁ
I bow to the acharyas, the religious leaders.
Ṇamō uvajjhāyāṇaṁ
I bow to the upadhyays, the religious teachers.
Ṇamō lōē savva sāhūṇaṁ
I bow to all the sadhus and sadhvis, those who have renounced the worldly life and
follow a path of simplicity.
Ēsōpan̄chaṇamōkkārō, savvapāvappaṇāsaṇō
Maṅgalā ṇaṁ ca savvēsiṁ,
paḍamama havaī maṅgalaṁ
This five-fold bow (mantra) destroys all sins and obstacles, and of all auspicious
mantras, is the first and foremost one.
मंगलं भगवान वीरो, मंगलं गौतम प्रभु।
मंगलं स्थूलिभद्राद्या, जैन धर्मोस्तु
Mangalam Bhagaväna Viro, mangalam Gautama prabhu
Mangalam Sthülibhadrädyä, Jaina dharmostu mangalam
Bhagawän Mahävir is auspicious, Ganadhar Gautam Swämi is auspicious; Ächärya
Sthulibhadra is auspicious; Jain religion is auspicious.
मंगलं भगवान वीरो, मंगलं गौतमो गणि
मंगलं कुन्दकुन्दार्यो, जैन धर्मोस्तु मंगलं
Mangalam Bhagaväna Viro, mangalam Gautamo gani
Mangalam Kundakundäryo, Jaina dharmostu mangalam
Bhagawän Mahävir is auspicious, Ganadhar Gautam Swämi is auspicious; Ächärya Kunda-kunda
is auspicious; Jain religion is auspicious.
Khamemi Savajive
I forgive all creatures.
Savve Jiva Khamantu Me
May all living beings forgive me.
Mitti Me Savva Bhuyesu
I have friendships with all living beings.
Veram Majjham na Kenai
I have no animosity against any living being.
Shivamastu Sarvajagatah
May the entire universe attain bliss.
Parahitanirata Bhavantu Bhutaganah
May all living beings be oriented to the interest of others.
Dosha Prayantu Nasham
Let all faults be eliminated.
Sarvatra Sukhibhavatu Lokah
May people be happy everywhere.
उपसर्गाः क्षयं यान्ति, छिद्यन्ते विघ्नवल्लयः
मनः प्रसन्नतामेति, पूज्यमाने जिनेश्वरे
Upasargäh kshayam yänti, chidyante vighna-vallayah.
Manah prasannatämeti, pujyamäne jineshvare.
Sarva Mangal Mangalyam
The holiest of all holy things,
Sarva Kalyana Karanam
The cause of all bliss,
Pradhanam Sarva Dharmanam
The foremost of all religions,
Jainam Jayati Sashanam
The path shown by Tirthankars is supreme.
Chattari Mangalam
The four are of auspicious form.
Arihanta Mangalam
Arihant (the destroyer of the inner enemies) is auspicious.
Siddha Mangalam
The Siddhas are auspicious.
Sahu Mangalam
The Sadhus are auspicious.
Kevali Pannatto Dhammo Mangalam
The religion expounded by perfect soul is auspicious.
Chattari Loguttama
In the world, four are the highest.
Arihanta Loguttama
The Arihants are the highest in the world.
Siddha Loguttama
The Siddhas are the highest in the world.
Sahu Loguttam
The Sadhus are the highest in the world.
Kevali Pannatto Dhammo Loguttamo
The religion expounded by Kevalis is the highest in the world.
Chattari Saranam Pavajjami
I seek the holy refuge in the four.
Arihante Saranam Pavajjami
I seek the holy refuge of Arihants.
Siddhe Saranam Pavajjami
I seek the holy refuge of Siddhas.
Sahu Saranam Pavajjami
I seek the holy refuge of Sadhus.
Kevali Pannattam Dhammam Sharanam Pavajjami
I seek the holy refuge of Dharma, as explained by the omniscient.
अर्हंन्तो भगवंत इन्द्रमहिताः, सिद्धाश्च सिद्धिस्थिता
आचार्या जिनशासनोन्नतिकराः,
पूज्या उपाध्यायकाः
श्री सिद्धान्तसुपाठका मुनिवरा, रत्नत्रयाराधकाः
पंचै ते परमेष्ठिनः प्रतिदिनम्, कुर्वंतु वो मंगलम्।
Arhanto bhagavanta indramahitäh, Siddhäshcha siddhisthitä
Ächäryä jinashäsanonnatikaräh, püjyä Upädhyäyakäh
Shri siddhäntasupäthakä Munivarä, ratnatrayäradhakäh
Panchai te Paramesthinah pratidinam kurvantu vo mangalam
Tirthankar Bhagawän, who is worshipped by heavenly gods; Siddha Bhagawän, who
permanently reside on Siddhashilä; Ächärya Mahäräj, who propagate the Jain religion;
revered Upädhyäy Mahäräj; and Sädhus and Sädhvis who are well versed in the scriptures
and followers of three jewels of Jainism; may these five supreme beings bestow bliss
every day.
वीरः सर्वसुरासुरेन्द्र-महितो, वीरं बुधाः संश्रिताः
वीरेणाभिहतः स्वकर्म निचयो, वीराय नित्यं नमः
वीरात् तीर्थमिदं प्रवृत्तमतुलं, वीरस्य घोरं तपो
वीरे श्री धृति कीर्ती कांति निचयः श्री वीर भद्रं दिश:
Virah sarvasuräsurendra-mahito, Viram budhäh samshritäh
Virenäbhihatah svakarma nichayo, Viräya nityam namah
Virat tirthamidam pravrttamatulam, Virasya ghoram tapo
Vire shri dhrti kirti känti nichayah shri Vira ! bhadram disha
I always bow down to Bhagawän Mahävir, who has eradicated all His Karma and who is
worshipped by all heavenly gods as well as demons. O Mahävir Swami Bhagawän, the learned
take refuge in You. You have established this un-paralleled Tirtha (four fold Jain
Sangha). O Bhagawän Mahävir, Your austerities were intense. You have attained the
ultimate enlightenment, wealth of knowledge, patience, glory, grace, and peace. Oh!
Bhagawän Mahävir, please guide me on the path to liberation.